Fact-Checking Policy

We check every news given on our platform several times. Apart from the facts of the news and the reporter, the editorial team checks. After this the news and information is published.

Trust can only be gained and sustained on the basis of accurate, fair and balanced reporting. It is essential that We remain committed to attaining due accuracy in all Our content to the extent possible. Our understanding of ‘due accuracy’ is that accuracy is not just of the requisite standard but also satisfactory in essence. Factors such as subject and nature of the information being provided, the expectations of the audience etc.

We strive to give most accurate news. We investigate claims with skepticism, question assumptions, and challenge conventional wisdom. We acknowledge areas of uncertainty, which will always exist despite Our best efforts to resolve them. However, the stringency required to fact-check the information on soft and hard stories differ.

The foremost responsibility of Our journalists’ is to report, write, and fact-check the news/information/stories. In fact, Our stories are subjected to scrutiny on multiple levels, including a robust fact-check internal procedure wherein a thorough due diligence is carried out on every piece and it further reviewed by one or more of Our editors. It needs to be specified that the seniority of editors who undertake review of the stories preceding their publication on the Website differs and depends on various factors such as complexity and sensitivity of the issue, and the pressure of time.

If you have doubts about any of our news, then email us, our editorial team will recheck it and update you about the news.

Email : Punjabibulletin@gmail.com